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clock-iconWorking Hours : Sat-Sun (8AM to 5PM) ; Mon-Fri 7:30 AM to 6 PM


Call Us to Schedule+61 403 142 291



Pay Invoice With a Credit or Debit Card:

Request Pre-Payment- Enjoy 10% Off.

To save 10% off the price of cleaning services you selected previously, please request the invoice for pre- approved payment. When you receive the invoice follow the ateps below:

To pay an invoice just make your payment online with your credit or debit card securely with Paypal.

Click the PayPal button and you will be redirected to Paypal which allows secure payments online. You can pay with your Paypal account, but you do not need a Paypal account to make a credit or debit card payment.


How To Pay The Invoice Amount

Go straight to the bottom of the page and look for RETURN HERE TO PAY AN INVOICE. Enter the custom amount and choose Pay with a credit or debit card option at the bottom of the payment processor page if you do not have a PayPal account.

Click The Image Below To Get Started!

Pay Invoice via PayPal

To check prices again – Start from the top.

If you have any questions, please contact us.
